Monday, January 26, 2009

Who has the faith?

We have been blessed with many examples of people using faith of some kind to rise above their situations. Noah was warned of a coming disaster and when that flood came and destroyed the earth; he and his family were safe due to his faith. Think about Abraham even though he was past what we would call a fertile age, and his wife Sarah being sterile were still able to produce a child. Hebrews 11 and 1 states; Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It's this faith that when Abraham was called to go to a place; he obeyed and went even though he did not know where he was going. This place, the promised land he received as his inheritance. And because of his faith his heirs would share in this same promise.

Now let's ask ourselves how many of us find ourselves at; let's say a crossroad of some kind. We know if we choose this path; struggle awaits but we make our own outcome. While on the other hand if we choose this path; our faith is required. We have to place everything at God's feet and walk away. You see this is where the problem arises. We have the hardest time of letting go. How can you have faith in God, but not trust him with supplying money for rent or bills? How can you claim to have faith in God when you don't believe he will answer your prayer?

Go back to the scripture; faith is being sure of what we hope for. Please know that hope is empty without faith. To hope is to wish for something with the expectation of the wish being fulfilled. I can hope all day for a million dollars, but hoping will not make me a millionaire. But through faith, by me having faith; all you'll hear me say is, "show me the money". Mark 11:24 states; Therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. The first part, whatever you ask for in prayer; represents hope. The second part believe that you have received it; represents faith. You see without faith, hope will not lead to your reward of receiving what you asked for. God did not say just ask and its yours. Hope only leads to a blessing when it's accompanied by faith.

Think to yourself for a second. How many times have you hoped for things to happen in your life? And after days and days of just pure hope you were still looking for something to happen in your life? You see I said this earlier, hope is empty without faith. Now imagine at those times when you were full of hope if you had added just a dash or a bit more of faith to the recipe; you could be smiling right now. At the same time as we're hoping in the back of our minds; we are steadily trying to figure out our own paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 states; Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. We need to stop trying to solve our own problems. God is calling us to place our faith in him not in ourselves. We can only go so far, but with God; with God the sky's the limit. We're so busy trying to write our own stories, but we forget our stories were already written. Put the pens and pencils down and hire a ghostwriter; a holy ghostwriter if you will. If you're not where you want to be in life already, what makes you think you can continue to write your own life story?

Stand to your feet right now. Raise your hands high in the air. Reach up to God, continue reaching as you close your eyes and bow your head. Say to yourself or aloud; Lord I thank you for my life thus far. I know that I have a choice to make. Either place my faith in you or continue believing in myself. I am sorry Lord for choosing my will over yours. I pray your will be done in my life right now. I pray for more love, I pray for more hope, I pray for more faith. Allow me God to trust in you totally. I pray all this in Jesus' name. Amen!

Remember God first and the world last..

Monday, January 12, 2009

Faith, who needs it?

Did I catch your eye, or your attention with that title? I know it caught mines when it came to me. I mean really who needs faith? What has faith done for me lately? Has my having faith delivered me from anything of significance? I cannot speak for anyone else, but as for me, faith has been my lifeline. My faith is the only reason why I am still here today. Without the faith I have in God, there is no telling where I would be right now. No money to pay my rent; my faith helped cover what I was lacking. My son in the hospital having surgery for something we did not know he had; my faith brought me through it. Loss of job after job and no telling where money would come from; my faith supplied it for me.

These are just a few instances in which my faith played an integral part in my still being here today. Hebrew 11 states "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Faith, it starts in our hearts and our minds; and slowly leaks into every inch of our bodies. For me it's the feeling I get when I know something grand is coming my way. I can feel it deep down, it's an emotion that I could never put words too. I know when I ask God for something, it's coming my way. Faith is Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

You might not think it could be that easy, but believe me it is. Those are not my words, I did not come up with them. Open up the bible and read them for yourself; these words are coming from God. Now isn't this what Hebrews 11 said faith was; "faith is being sure of what we hope for". We all have faith, but a lot of us have yet to tap into it. If I can give you any sort of advice today, let it be that faith is something you need to have. At this moment I am pressing God for something, and I know it will work out for me, because of my faith. I asked, and I am continuing to believe that it is mines, so soon I will receive it.

Remain in faith, and if you have yet to tap into your faith; do so now. Our father is awaiting you.