Friday, December 26, 2008

Glory University

JANUARY 19, 2009

Friday, December 12, 2008

This Christmas Season

I get so happy knowing that my daughter has a yearning to know of Jesus Christ. We talk on a constant basis, about the true meaning of Christmas. My daughter is so cute, she wants to make a cake for Jesus in the shape of a heart all because she loves him. Now ain't that a trip, she wants to make a heart-shaped cake for Jesus all because she loves him. Not because she can have whatever she wants, not because she has a roof over her head, not because she has a car to ride in, but because she loves him. I asked her why does she love Jesus, and she told me, because he loves her. "And a child shall lead them." My daughter is a great big reason why I write, if she love Jesus because Jesus loves her, if she wants to bake Jesus a cake to show her love, then I can write, just because. Jesus has done more for me in my 31 years of living, than he has in her 4 years of living. But she can just love him because he loved her. We can learn a lot from our children if we actually took the time out to listen to them. The eyes they view this world through has not been corrupted like ours have. We have allowed this world to dictate how we are to show ourselves before God. I know not having enough money, I know not being employed, I know how it is being scared, but I also know being loved by God.

God said that he would never leave me nor forsake me, and when those times come where it feels I am going through by myself; God is there waiting to catch me as soon as I fall. Our relief is right over the horizon, our joy will come in the morning; we just have to hold on until it comes. I am still learning to live life like a mustard seed, where my faith can move mountains. You see as kids, we have that mustard seed faith already built in, but as we grow, we allow bills, we allow unemployment, we allow our excuses to build walls over that faith, and when it comes time for us to believe for us to have faith, no sledgehammer is available. That brick wall that we used all our might to put up, wont come down with no huffing and puffing. It will take a whole lot more than just some wishful thinking.

God is calling us for something so powerful, something so grand; he placed inside of us a gift that we are to allow to be nurtured, but we are letting the gifts wither away. Think about kids on Christmas morning, when they open their gifts; they are already contemplating ways to use their gifts to their fullest capabilities. But when we are blessed with the gifts, gifts from God that is; we tend to worry even before we start to use the gifts. It's as if we really do not appreciate God for even giving us the gifts in the first place; like God made a mistake with his giving. We need to stop being ungrateful and selfish, and learn to appreciate the good that God sees in us. I appreciate God for blessing me with the gift to write, even if I only get one reader a month, I know I am doing what God has called me to do.

Appreciate your gifts, utilize your gifts to their fullest capabilities. Never let them wander far from your heart. Go back to when you were a child on Christmas morning opening up and anticipating playing with the gifts that were under the tree. God is calling you, he is calling me, do not let the call go to voice mail. Answer and be prepared, "for the race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to the one that endureth to the end."

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Remember God first, and the world last!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I remember back some years ago, when I was a member in the choir at my church. We used to sing this song from Hezekiah Walker, entitled; "Any way you bless me". A portion of the chorus went like this, "Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied". This really got me to thinking about my life, and some of you probably will be able to relate. I constantly say Lord bless me with this, Lord bless me with that. I am constantly asking God to bless me with something that I have a want for. And I realize that on occasions God has blessed me with whatever I asked for. But my issue here is that sometimes I am taking for granted God and all that he means to me. I ask God for things because I know that God can supply. But what if for once, I went to God and said God anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied.

Instead of asking to be a millionaire, what if you said; Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied?
Instead of asking for a new Mercedes or Bmw, what if you said; Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied? A Toyota or Ford will do.
Instead of searching for your dream home, what if you said; Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied? A nice roof over my head will do.

Know this that whatever God blesses you with, I guarantee you will be satisfied. Any blessing you receive, no matter small or big, you will be satisfied. Think to the times, when you asked God for something, and he gave you something else instead. You might have thought this is not what I asked for, but it will do. You see God knows our wants and he knows our needs. If we could just stop asking for our wants and concentrate our needs, anyway he blesses us will be satisfying.

Do me a favor when you awake every morning simply say, "Lord anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied". Then watch the way God will begin to move in your life. I can't promise anything, but I know someone who can. I can't promise that you your life will easy, he never said it would; but I do know that God will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in him, he will never let you down. Know that anyway he blesses you, you will be satisfied.

"Remember God first, and the world last"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The next generation in storytelling...

Enjoy the Trailer!

Monday, November 3, 2008

If you ask, then believe, you shall receive...

How many believe that you can have anything in this world if you only ask and believe? Some might be saying how is this possible, are you really saying that if I want a million dollars I could have it? Yes, stranger things have happened. Let's look at what God says in his word: Matthew24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. It says right there if we ask for it, and if we believe that it is ours, then we shall we receive it.

So then why do so many of us, not have already in our possessions what we really want. The answer is a simple one; we did not believe. Yes you read right, we did not believe; we did not truly believe that we would receive what we wanted. I mean think about it for a minute, before you get all righteous on me and want to stop reading. And know what I am saying goes for me also, I have been guilty in the past. Now back to our discussion.

You went to God in prayer, really needing a miracle to help pay a bill. You knew you really needed this bill paid, so you decided to ask God for help. So you got down on your knees bowed your head and closed your eyes or whatever way you pray. In that prayer, with your whole heart you asked God for help out of your current situation, you thought you had given up all your cares and worries with it,(but notice that I said you thought). As you ended your prayer, the worry and care you thought you left behind was still tugging along behind you. Then as soon as the telephone rang, worry about your phone bill flowed through your head, as soon as the time came for you favorite show to come on t.v, worry about your cable or satellite bill popped inside your head. While this is happening, while you are worrying if God is going to come through for you, you are not believing. We are supposed to have faith; faith like the mustard seed. God said we could move mountains, only if we believe we could. But how can we believe that a mountain can be moved; if we do not believe that God can take care of something as tiny as a little phone bill?

I know it's easier said than done, but please know that it's all in the mind. We can control what floats throughout our heads, and as a matter of fact we already do; we just do not have full knowledge of it. We all at one point in our lives, received something or caused something to appear all because we believed. I believed that I would have a book of mine published, and now I am working on my second book, which will be released under my own imprint. This happened because I went to God and asked for what I desired. I believed with my whole heart that it would happen, and now I can tell anyone I meet that I am a published author. And I am sure that many of you, if you sincerely tried; could think of many times things came into your lives all because you decided to have faith and believe that it was yours.

The model to follow is as simple as 1 2 3. Ask, believe, receive. What could be easier than that?Ask: Lord if you could see fit to bless me with...
Believe: Have faith like that of the mustard seed that what you asked for is already yours.
Receive: Once you ask, and out of faith believe that what you desire is yours, then like God said, "you shall receive".

"Remember God first, and the world last"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Your vote is needed today!

This is a request for your vote! I write to everyone today, requesting your votes on the most important election of your lives. I see your struggles, I see your frustrations and the trials that you are facing on a daily basis. I hear on a daily basis of how many of you do not have the funds necessary to live in a country where the price of needed items rise, and your income decreases. I know that many of you cry when you are alone, because you are uncertain of what new problems the next day holds for you. I can tell you are hurt, because you feel that sometimes you are alone in dealing with these issues. But I am here to tell you; you are not alone. I have been there before, I might not be there now; but believe me I was there. I know what it feels like to have people turn their backs on you, when you are at a point when you really need them. I know what it feels like to have your needs outweigh your haves. I have cried just like you have cried. I cry with you right now, as some of you contemplate your next steps. I promise, if you vote for me, your voice will not go ignored. I promise that my office hours will always be open 24-7. I promise no dissapointment, but hope; hope that change will come. I promise changes in your financial situations, I promise changes in your families, I promise changes in the way you view your life. You worry about health care, vote for me, and you will not have to worry about it anymore. You worry about employment, well vote for me; and I promise you will not have to worry about it again. Vote for me, and you give me the power to create more jobs, a vote for me; will create a better economy. A vote for me; means a better life for you, your children, and your childrens children.

Now about my opponent, he wants to create me as a leader who really does not care for the people. He wants to stir up emotions inside of you that will make me sound like a power hungry monster. When all the time, he is truly the monster. My opponant will use lies, he will use deception, he will use your greed; in order to get your vote. And once he wins, the life you know now; will look like paradise. Your trials and tribulations will increase with a vote for my opponent. If you vote for my opponent, hope for a better future will go out the window along with your jobs, your family, and your finances. Do not do this to yourself, do not do this to your children. You all deserve better than what my opponent is offering you. Do not be blinded by hollow promises, do not be fooled by empty words. You know my opponents track record, you know that every promise he has ever made; has failed to come true. And then on the flip side; you know my track record. I have come through all the time. I hear your wants, and I see your needs. What I promise, no one else can offer. A vote for me, is truly a life guaranteed.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Wave It Away"

John P. Kee wrote this song some years ago entitled, "Wave it Away". The first verse starts as follows; I'm not worried about tomorrow, nor the trials it may bring. For by faith I am the victor I can conquer anything. I cast my cares at your feet, and Lord you comfort me; and by faith I pray that you wave your troubles away." Let me start out by saying this song here is my favorite gospel song of all time. Just saying the words to myself has gotten me through a whole lot of trials and tribulations. So John if you ever get the chance to read this blog, "Thank You from the bottom of my heart, you probably will never know what this song means to me, but thank you anyway." Now on to our discussion.

Let me start out by saying that we worry about things we have no business worrying about. Then secondly if we really think; what in our lives is there really to worry about? If we worry about our electric bill; will that bill get paid? I think not. If we worry about our mortgages or our car notes; will those bills get paid? I think not. So if we realize that worrying never gets our bills paid, if we realize that worrying never gets our problems solved, then why are we worrying? In the bible Matthew chapter six: the Lord is telling us not to worry. We've read these passages of scripture many of times, yet we still find something in our lives to worry about. And when we worry, it's always about the smallest things.

The next time you find yourself worrying about something; get down on your knees(if able) and bow your head and close your eyes. At that exact moment, I want you to give up your problems and your cares to God. Tell God your problems, talk to him about your worries and fears. After all God is your father. Do not be afraid to talk to God about anything you might have going on in your life. God made us a promise in his word; that he would never leave us nor forsake us. If we are going through some trials in our life; God is promising us that he will be there; so why then do we worry? When something trying comes up, why is the bible not the first book we pick up? Why isn't God the first one we call on? Stop running to your mother, stop running to your father, and even stop running to your Pastor; make God the first one you run to. Your pastor can only help you so much, your mother and father can only help you so much, but God; God can totally bring you out of your situation. I mean try God, and see where he takes you. I did; and that is the reason I am able to write to you today.

There were times in my life when I felt I could take no more. I've been broke, unemployed and could not see a way out of my storm. I mean everywhere I turned it was as if people knew my situation and were just constantly poking at me. For the life of me, I could not understand it. I had tried so hard to be right, to live right, and things would still happen to me. I began to allow worry to creep into my life and every time I turned around I was worried about something. You see when you allow worry to creep into your life, you slowly allow it to control your life. Then once worry settles, it starts to affect every part of you. And we really are not aware of the effect that being worried is having on our well-being.

Every time you find yourself worrying about something, whenever you find yourself stressing about something; take a look at where you are in life. Begin to examine yourself, examine your emotions and your reactions to those emotions. At times we get a little stressed out when we allow ourselves to worry so much. Health problems begin to arise, and we wonder constantly about their beginnings. A lot of stress and health problems come from us placing so much worry and care into situations that we have no business worrying about in the first place. Try giving all your worries and cares to God just once, and remember when you give it up to God, leave the problems with him. Do not take your problems away from that conversation you just had with God. God promises to take all your cares and worries so that we can go on with our lives. Believe in the power of God, do not neglect it.

In closing; I know from personal experience that sometimes issues may arise, and at first view, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But let me tell you what; I tried God, I called on Jesus' name. I placed my worries and my cares at the feet of the almighty, and when I arose I felt anew. God had taken those heavy weights from around my shoulders, and he allowed me to walk away without them. I know if he did it for me, I believe he can do the same for you. Proverbs chapter three verses five through six states: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

Read Matthew 6:25-34 and remember whenever worry begins to settle in, go to God and let him "wave it away"

Remember God first and the world last.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gift or Talent

Do you realize how special you really are? Do you realize that you have been chosen to be a special and gifted person? Most of us have not awaken to the fact that inside of us is something that is so great and powerful, that if we allowed it to flourish and come to the surface the Lord only knows where it can lead us. But unfortunately, so many of us; we tend to hold ourselves back from the greatness, that is before us.

We allow ourselves to become our worst critics in which we tend to belittle ourselves. Now I am all with us being critics of ourselves, but you see we must not do it to a point, where we are choking the life out of our God-given talents. I am a writer, I have a book that is available now, but for some reason I am not a big fan of it. Don't get me wrong, the book is a good read, but I always feel that I can do better, so I continue to write. I have not let the critiques of myself hinder my writing. I will continue to write for as long as God allows me to. I will most likely never enjoy anything that I write, but that will not stop me from using my God-given gift to bless others.

One reason why people could possibly not show respect towards their gifts is that they are probably confusing them with their talents. You are reading this and are probably thinking, well what's the difference between a gift and a talent? Well let me explain it this way; I am a god basketball player, but being good in basketball doesn't mean it's a God-given gift. Yes God blessed me to be able to play, but it's not a gift; it's a talent. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary; a talent is a natural ability that needs to be developed. While a gift implies special favor by God. Playing basketball is a talent that I worked on over the years and now I can say that I am a good basketball player. But my gift; my God-given gift is writing.

God has been a blessing to me, and I feel that God has given me the gift of writing so that I can help bless others. When I write, I want everyone to know that God writes with me. When God has blessed you with the gift to sing; he sings with you. When God has blessed you with the gift to teach; he teaches with you. Likewise when God blesses you with the gift to speak, you can bet that he speaks with you.

It is time that we start to respect these gifts that God has given us. Who are we to deny something that God himself has ordained to us? Anybody can sing in a church choir, but when God blesses you with a gift to sing; the sky is the limit for who you can reach. Appreciate the gift that God has given you. Use the gift to bless others and in turn God will bless you.

After reading this, some might question; well if that's true then what is my gift? And I will answer, look inside of yourself, search; see where God has used you or has been trying to use you the most. It can be the gift of giving, the gift of caring; it could be almost anything. Find it and use it to please God. Use your gift, in the way that would be pleasing to God. Know that your gift is your God-given gift, not anyone else's. Use the gift, do not abuse it. For if you don't respect your gift, then you are denying your gift. And if you can't respect it, then who will? I pray that you will allow God to work in and through your life. He's beginning to work through mine. Love yourself, love your gift, cherish it; and I promise that God will be pleased in the end.

Let us pray...

Our father, we come to you right now, asking for a deeper understanding into the gift that you have bestowed upon us. We come seeking guidance on the way that we are reach those that have yet to come to you. We recognize you working in our lives so that we can be good stewards of your word. Lord we just ask that you walk with us every step of the way. We want to please you Lord, we want to give you honor and praise. Your name will forever be in our mouths. Please guide us. Order our every step. This and all we are, we ask you to bless. In Jesus' name we do pray! Amen and Amen!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Brand-Name Family

I was looking in the Webster dictionary and came across the word brand-name. The Webster dictionary defines brand-name as; having a well-known and usually highly regarded or marketable name. And I began to think about how family names have become in a sense brand-names. Take the Kennedy's or even the Bush's for that matter. No matter how you may feel about these names when mentioned, you have to see them for their brand-name status. Even at church, we have certain families that have been turned into brand-name status. These certain families are I guess held at a certain plateau(or should I say pedestal).

We look at them for their highly religious status, and sometimes begin to take them in as models for out Christian walk. While it's a great thing to have strong and powerful Christians to look up too, we must understand that we should not place them on a pedestal in which they can fall from. You have to understand that these "brand-name families", that we are looking up to are also human. They too, will make mistakes, they too will let us down at some point or another. God is the only one that we should totally put our trust or faith into. In his word he says that he will never leave us nor forsake us. I believe in this, I hope all of you do too. While I am writing this blog, I am beginning to think about how high we actually place these "brand-name families". We place them so high on a pedestal that they sometimes forget who and whose they really are.

Sometimes these "brand-name families", portray themselves as if they were God's only begotten child. It's as if their name takes precedent over the well-being of another Christian; even when that other Christian is in need. I am not sure if you would call it an arrogant feeling, but that's exactly how it seems. Like I told you in my last blog, anything I say for you to hear, I must also listen to. I am writing this, because I see this happen too often in churches nowadays. We sometimes help create the opportunity for these regular families to adapt themselves into the roles of "brand-name families". To make matters worse for them, we do not allow room for errors.

We church folk, just do not give these"brand-name families", a chance to mess up. You know sometimes we slip up and they slip up too, they have faults just like all the rest of us. We have to understand that these families that we look up to are human, and that they will sin. We are all family; we are all apart of the only "brand-name family" that should matter. We are a chosen people, that God has invited to be apart of his family. And when one of us sins, (please believe it, because we will), don't say to another family member; I can't support you, or I will not pray cause that's not what we(our family)do, our "brand-name family" does not act like that.

What is wrong with this picture, have we forgotten who and whose we really are? We need to get back to basics, and re-learn our roles as Christians. We are all here to love one another, to help on another, to be there for one another, not to look down upon one another when we feel the need too. God places us in certain situations for certain reasons, if we cannot handle our God-given jobs; then maybe we should be replaced, by someone who can.

In other words if you have been placed in a situation where God has called you to be a mentor or role model for a coming-along Christian, do not abuse the power that God has dealt you. Use it to help bring along that Christian, and find joy that God chose you to help him. Do not look down upon people that you feel is beneath you; for a time can come when the tables are turned and that person will look down upon you. So remember if one day you find yourself apart of a "brand-name family", please act accordingly. Remember God is always watching you, and your family; so do as God would have you do.

Remember God first and the world last....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Just by a show of hands, (and I know you might not be alone while reading this), but raise your hand anyway if you truly know that you are ready for Jesus to return. If you raised your hands, then let me be the first to say congratulations because you are obviously in a great position. But for the rest of us, who are less than perfect, who steadily strive everyday; day in and day out to be more like Jesus; let me tell you that we have some work to do. And trust me when I tell you, whenever I write about something, it might not be that I am preaching to you, I could just be preaching to myself. You see I recognize that I am far from being perfect; I realize that there are things in my life I know needs changing. I am not just writing to encourage someone else to change their life for the better, I also write so that I can encourage myself to change for the better. You see me smile because I am not going to let myself settle for worry, I am not going to settle for fear, I refuse to settle for a life that is less than pleasing in God's eyes.

You see I am in a better place in my life right now, but there is still a better place that I am striving for. Some might look into mu life, and say but Bryan you seem to be ready; you seem to be living a godly life. But God can see things and can see deeper than the human eyes can see. And believe me, it makes me proud that people view me in that fashion of living a Godly life, but it can upset me at times, because deep down; I know there are times in which I am not. I might not be a drug-dealer, I might not be out there shooting my own brothers or sisters, but I am doing things that are not pleasing to God. And another thing, I might not be a drug-addict or an Alcoholic, but there are things I am addicted to that keep me from living a full life in God. And if we can admit to ourselves, and look at ourselves in a different view; then we can see that there are things in our lives that are not pleasing to God. You see my addiction might not seem wrong to you, but to me; it continues to hold me back.

I have an issue when I get money, I need to go and some new DVD or CD. You might be saying to yourself, well how does that compare with being a drug addict, or an alcoholic? Well as for the damage to the physical body it doesn't compare, but to my emotional and spiritual body it does. You see when I buy that new movie or that new Cd, just for that new song I heard on the radio, I am taking away from my family. And don't get me wrong; it's not about my wife having control over my money that I worked for; it's about not taking away from a growing foundation. Every penny that I earn helps my family grow just that much, and so for me to go buy a Cd in which I did not need, takes away some growth from that foundation. So the less that foundation grows; the less my family grows. And that affects my emotional body; which in turn will affect my spiritual body.

As you can see I am a person that looks at every aspect of my life, and I determine if what I am doing is pleasing to God or hurting him. Some might read this and say well you are just being too hard on yourself. You might be right, but being too hard on myself has gotten me this far in life; so I see no reason to change. Let me ask a question, what if Jesus had never given his life on the cross so many years ago? What would you be doing differently right now? How would you decide to live your life, if you knew your sins would not be forgiven just by asking for forgiveness? Would you take better care in how you lived. or would you just walk around hoping not to fall victim to sin?

You see I know in my heart and soul that Jesus died on the cross to save me, I know he died on that cross so that I could live a life more abundantly. John 3:16 is embedded into my heart, and I know that whenever my watchful eye falls asleep and I fall victim to sin, I can go to my father and be forgiven. You see I've learned that a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got back up. I've learned not to hide my mistakes, not to hide from my fears and my worries. Too many people have allowed that disease stress to overtake their bodies, and ruin them. And notice I called stress a disease, because it is. Now yes it has a cure, but it is a disease nonetheless.

Now stress might not be as deadly as cancer or diabetes or any other of those diseases. But if you allow stress to creep in, and you allow it to flourish; it will take over your body. There have been people fainting from dealing with too much in their lives(stress), there have been people committing suicide because something in their lives they could not control(stress). Everyday people you work with, people you go to school even church with, are dealing with some form of stress. Stress is one of those diseases that can creep up on you without you even realizing that you have it. Stress is an immobilizer, something that will not allow you to move on until you have dealt with it or basically cured it.

Take a look at your own life, and try to determine where you might be stressing. Is there somewhere in your life that stress has slowly taken residence at? Is there a place in your life, whenever the topic comes up a feeling of uneasiness occurs? At some time or another, we all deal with stress in our lives. At times we are stressing about something that we have no control over anyway. "They are going to write me up for being late to work", but this five car accident where a fatality occurred is blocking all lanes. "I never had a chance to say goodbye to my uncle", who suddenly passed away in his sleep. We worry too much about things that just happen; and that's fine, but know that stress is stress, and it can ruin you. Then there is the stress that we can control that has the most effect on us.

How about this one, I cannot stand this job; the people I work with and then my boss, man I cannot stand any of them. They don't treat me right, they treat other people better than me, and I have been there longer. I pray to God everyday that he blesses me so that I can keep this job, but in the back of my mind, I want something better. Is this situation something that I can control? How many people have been here before, or better yet; how many people are there now? How many wake up in the morning praying to God that he allows us to keep this job, but in the back of our minds we crave something better? We allow ourselves to be treated wrongly, we allow our bosses, our co-workers to basically walk over us. But then we go and complain to someone who is in the same situation we are in. Where is that going to get us, how far do we really think we can get in this current situation? For one, if you really do not want to working there, stop praying for it. God gives us what we ask for; we act like we never heard that saying,"watch what you ask for". If you continue to pray to keep that job, then you will continue to keep that job, but if you steadily ask God to bless you with something better, he will begin to place you in situations where better opportunities will come along.

Don't you even realize something, look at how old you are, and next look at how long you have been at your current job. Did you not know how to survive without your current job before, so what makes you think you will not be able to survive without it. And granted you might have more money now than before, but I believe in an awesome God. I believe in a God that has unlimited wealth to bestow upon me. I don't know about your God, but my God promised that he would never leave me nor forsake me. My God promised that if I would trust him and obey him, and abide by his word that he would bless my life, and not just bless it a little bit, but that he would bless it abundantly. So I don't know about you, but I know who I'm going to lean on the next time, I find myself slipping. You see because we tend to put too much faith and trust into people who can only do so much, and go so far with us in our moments of stormy weather.

You can go to whomever you want to go to, but I will tell you this; I want more than just an umbrella in a rainstorm. I want more than just snowshoes when it gets too thick in the winter time. I want more than a fan and an air-conditioner when it's hotter than hell outside. I can't speak for no one else, but I can speak for myself. All that is fine, if you want to just get by, but if you want to make through; I mean really make it through you need more than just an umbrella, snowshoes or a fan. To make it through that rainstorm, you need shelter from that rainstorm, to get through that thick winter storm or to get away from that heat; you need shelter. And the only shelter I know that can get you through anything this life or world throws at you is Jesus.

Stop placing your faith in temporary situations that will only mask the problem, you don't need masking tape or some crazy glue. Tape can only last so long, and while crazy glue will hold you together, look closely the problem is still there. Go to God and get yourself welded together. Get some permanent solutions to all your problems. Trust in God; allow him to direct your paths. His word promises you, and I promise you that your life will be fine. Let's go to God as we close...

"Lord we come to you right now, asking you for your guidance, asking you for direction. Lord you already know the issues we deal with in our lives, so we come seeking a better understanding of what you would have us to do. Our problems at work, our problems at home, the issues that may come on a daily basis, we ask that you bless us to see our solutions more clearly. We have dealt with things far too long, and so we turn them over to you right now. Our finances, our job worries, our relationships, our families we turn them over to you right now. Search our hearts Lord; help us to know you in a better way. Draw us nearer to you O Lord right now. Bless our coming in and our going out. Make a way out of no way, and we promise to give you the praise for the rest of our days. We love you Lord, thank you for your son, thank you for choosing us when you did. Nothing we do can ever compare. Continue to watch over us, in your darling sons' Jesus name we do pray; Amen!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just Venting...

Have you noticed how rude people have gotten lately? No one has respect for the next person anymore. You can be driving on the highway going a certain speed; someone driving closely behind. When out of nowhere a car cuts you off, you catch their eyes in the rear-view mirror and they give you the meanest glare. Now they are starting to get your blood boiling all because they were wrong and could not be big enough to admit it. They could have mouthed a sorry or simply just waived their hands. But no that was too much to ask. Fingers get waived in the air, words yelled out the window, possibly shots being fired; all because someone was rude. Rudeness leads to foolishness. We need to change.

In a time where people have no respect for life, where a lot of our young people simply don't care if they make it to see thirty or even twenty-five for that matter. We as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers are failing our kids. We are letting our young people down. Some of our young people can sense that we really don't care about them, so they feel why should care for themselves. I can remember to a time and I'm sure you can remember too; when people in the neighborhood cared about people in the neighborhood. We were one in our communities, not this multiple bunch of cliques, gangs, blocks or whatever you want to call them. We've become cowards to our people, this generation has basically punked out.

We've fought slavery, racism, segregation and come out victorious. But now are scared of our very own young people. Yes drugs might have been brought into our communities, but we are the ones that let the drugs run and destroy them. Our young people of today are just picking up where we left off, and my generation picked up where the generation before us left off.

We have strength in our blood, pride and honor and faith runs through our veins. We have the hearts of warriors, the inherited souls of kings and queens; yet we dwell upon this earth as zombies; brainless searching for someone not qualified to guide us.

When will we accept our problems for what they really are, our problems. We blame the government for us not having enough money in the bank. Did President Bush tell you to spend your tax refund check at the mall, the club, or to get that new car. No of course not. You decided that, you had the impulse and you acted on it. Instead of putting the money away in a savings account, you hurried to share your refund check with Macy's, Nordstroms and some jewelry store. You cannot blame anyone else but yourself for your spending habits. We need to change.

Until we can learn to accept the fact that we are the cause for a lot of our problems; we can never progress. We can never go from a separated people to a united people until we recognize and deal with our issues. It's like what Albert Einstein said,"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."

"Remember God first and the world last."